Thanks for
visiting my website!
 As you
can see by my photos and art work, I like the cool, calm, peace of the
outdoors. You may encounter, though, as you breeze through the website, more
than the blue skies of spring, balmy breezes of summer, the blaze of
fall’s colorful serenade or the icy blue, white crust of winter. An array
of sights may feel like the song of a spring robin or the bitter sting of an
Artic storm.
I’ve never been one to settle
for the ordinary.
For a great deal
of my life, I’ve lived in an area known for unstable weather. Michigan has
a temperament that only a Diva understands. Its weather pattern is relegated to
the whims of the Great Lakes and below freezing temperatures of an Artic gale.
On a July trip ‘up north’, in the height of summer, I packed for a
warm, if not hot, weekend get-away. Surely it would be in the high seventies.
Shorts, sleeveless tops, suntan lotion. Not to my dismay but as a test of
fortitude and adaptation skills, I encountered high winds, a daytime of
forty-five chilling degrees. Fireplace, plenty of cut wood boosted damp
spirits. But then came a night sky filled with so many stars, it took my breath
away. Bundled in blankets, in front of a campfire, roasted hot dogs were this
gourmand’s delight.
 I’ve moved on
now. New home, new sights. Of course, I’ve settled where another
unpredictable element heightens the intrigue about nature. Raleigh, North
Carolina is about mid-way from where and there. A mild winter, northerners
thinks so, and a hot summer. Hot, a defining word. Ice storms or hurricanes,
what road should I take? Another phase in life, time to slow down or speed up.
It all depends on the ‘real’ of me. What will I write, paint or
capture through the lenses. I have no set hours for creating, no theme, no
programmed requirements. Yes, expectations.
Days full of
flowers, rain or shine.
I’m still all
four seasons. Those lessons of life, step ladder learning, took me through the
cold, the heat, thunder storms and washed out beaches. Life is a constant
shuffle, a flow, an upset, a dichotomy, a smile. Spring, summer, fall, winter.
A turn of events make me laugh until I cry. Or cry until the sun sets and
inspires the hand to reach for a paint brush, or fingers to work on the next
Please click here to read "No Matter,"
Bould Award Anthology 2020, 3rd place award (pdf)
WHO, HOW, WHERE, WHEN continues. WHY
hangs like a clock on the wall. Forever ticking.
 With this website I
intend to reveal an eagerness to dive into everyday experiences. Those events,
those stories you and I share become an ongoing reality.
I’ve added
some pictures too: the handsome fellow on the left; a beach buddy I met in
Hilton Head, South Carolina. Captured via the lenses on the shoreline, five
feet between us, he flaunted his grand masculine glory. How did I know this
beautiful creature’s gender? A female would preen…fix herself for the
Yes, I am a
writer. A varied past…youth brings distortions about who and what one can
achieve. Wide-eyed at one time, wife, mother, nurse, explorer. Seasoned,
writer, artist…I don’t know where one begins or the other ends. No
one role is exceptional or universal. Life is an ongoing process.
I’m in the midst of
understanding yesterday, discovering what tomorrow will offer.
Shoes in the sand.
Is this the next novel?
In the meantime,
I’ll share, Who, How, Where, When. The remarkable people I’ve
encountered appear in my stories. Identity disguised by the license of fiction.
Not all stories are delightful. The essence of life brings us glory,
revelation, sadness. Our paths crossed, we’ve met again.
Share your
I’ll share
click here to read my short story "Dear Hunting!" (pdf)
